Wealth is Personal,

And so is Whittier Trust

Wealth is Personal,

And so is Whittier Trust

Protect Your Loved Ones. Ensure a Lasting Legacy.


Market Insights – Third Quarter 2024

The Big Central Bank Dilemma The U.S. economy and capital markets continued to surprise investors through the first half of 2024. The year began with high hopes that the rapid disinflation of 2023 would continue in an orderly and uninterrupted manner. This in turn spurred optimism that the Fed would be able to cut rates as early as in March. At that stage, the consensus expectation for monetary policy was 6 to 7 rate cuts in 2024 alone. These hopes […]

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From Investments to Family Office to Trustee Services and more, we are your single source solution. Just like you, we're independent and unique. And that's how we treat your needs.

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